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  • Quality Products

    Every product from Pilkington Woodworks is built with quality top-of-mind. Only the best materials are selected, and our supply is regularly culled to eliminate defective pieces.

    If you see something you would like to custom order, please reach out via our contact form. We are very happy to give you a personalized quote on most Pilkington Woodworks items.

  • Durable Design

    Crafted with an unwavering commitment to quality, most materials are expertly secured with screws and glue, ensuring not just beauty but durability. This meticulous construction ensures that your product will withstand the test of time, becoming a cherished focal point in your indoor or outdoor sanctuary.

  • Meticulous Craftsmanship

    With over 35 years of experience in every piece, from the Birdhouses to the Handcrafted Built-up Rail Columns, you'll experience the epitome of craftsmanship and elegance. Pilkington Woodworks is where functionality fuses with artistry and utility. Beautifully Built. Durably Designed.

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